Saturday, April 27, 2019

End of April

#15 Fairway
Looks as though we are going to end April the same way it started with a bit of snow. Hopefully mother nature will be kind and it will melt and be gone quickly. A lot was accomplished in the last few weeks, we had some pretty good weather and grass is starting to grow.

A green covered in sand and then aerified
Greens Aerifciation was completed on April 16th and 17th all 20 Greens were covered with sand and poked with 5/8 diameter tines. Aerification continues to be the best way to protect and prolong the Park Districts investment in these greens.This process will continue to help with our air and water infiltration as well as continue to keep the greens firm. 

Greens 10 Days Post Aerification 
In the coming days we expect the greens to be more healed and get back to a more normal routine mowing schedule. Our Fairways are getting more dense and growing everyday. We started the year very cautious and patient and it is paying off. We needed to mow a couple of times in the past two weeks. We have had good weather but, we still have not had consistent warm weather like in summer. We are confident with more consistent weather we will see consistent growth and improved grass density. 
#14 Fairway
Improved ball lie as fairways are groomed and mowed

In other news this week we have begun to get all related drainage projects sodded. We were able to susccesfully get hole #'s 1,3,4, and 5 sodded before the end of the week. We look forward to these areas maturing and the drainage improvements aiding in a better and more playable golf course.

#1 Fairway Graded and Sodded to Remove Surface Water
Hole number one fairway, after the fairway bunker is very flat on both players left and right and sides. By installing a sump basin and grading the fairways towards those basins we will be able to remove surface water after rain events .

#5 Fairway with Sodded Drain Lines 
Number five fairway is also notoriously flat and would hold water after rain events, resulting in poor fairway conditions. After installing 700 liner feet of drain pipe we are confident this area will remove surface water more efficiently. It will take a couple of weeks for the sod to root to the ground, only after the sod is rooted will be begin to mow it and train it down to fairway height. 


Nick Marfise 
Golf Course Superintendent

Saturday, April 6, 2019

April Update

#14 Fairway this week
Spring is here and it seems as though it is going to be a more normal spring. In years past it has either been very cold, or it would warm up cool down and repeat. This gradual steady warm up is good for the grass and the golf course. This gives the grass a chance to get acclimated and build a strong root system.
Hole #6 about a week ago
As temperatures have warmed up we have begin to see our playing surfaces begin to green up and start growing. We need steady temperatures so that the soils get warm, when the soils reach a steady average in the 50's the grass will begin to grow more consistently

#6 Approach this week 
All fairway areas are definitely showing positive signs coming out of winter, we do have a few small low line areas that are still slow to get going. These areas still contain a lot of Poa annua, which is the grass we do not want, if they continue to be slow to get going we will be adding seed to them and try and out compete them here while it is early in the year. 

Low line areas #15 Fairway
#15 Fairway this week 
This weekends forecast shows positive signs for some warmer weather, we should see all playing surfaces growing and greening up even more. Once there is some better, steady warmer weather and all playing surfaces are "actively" growing we will begin to think about letting golf carts roll out. Have a great weekend. 


Nick Marfise 
Golf Course Superintendent