Monday, May 9, 2016


Today begins a new era at Wilmette Golf Club as we aerify greens for the first time since 2012. After 2012 there was a three year hiatus due to the construction project.

The Greens at Wilmette are one of, and if not, our biggest asset. It is important that year after year we take the necesary procautions in preventative maintenance in order to protect this community's investment.

Although aerification may seem like the Superintendents revenge, it has many long term benefits that aid the growing environment of the grass.

Some of those benefits include, removing unwanted organic matter, alleviating compaction, and increasing air and water infiltration.

We are confident that although "punched" the greens will remain playable and with good warm weather they should be completly healed within two weeks. 

We appreciate your patients and look forward to seeing you on the course.