Sunday, October 30, 2016

Change is taking place

Since our last blog post the course has taken on considerable change as previously mentioned. The unwanted grass species in our tees, fairways, and approaches has begun to change colors and decline. This is exactly what we wanted, as it will now give the Kentucky Bluegrass a better environment to grow now and into next season.
#6 Approach

The unwanted species of grass once again that are changing colors, are the Poa annua, and the Bentgrass contamination that has occurred since the renovation. As these grasses die back we are looking for the Kentucky Bluegrass to gradually fill into those respected areas.
#11 Approach

The picture below show how established Kentucky Bluegrass is already mowing into a declining patch of Bentgrass.

The final Tenaciy, or Poa annua injury sprays were completed on the tees, and approaches last week. Leaving just the final spray for fairways for this upcoming week. It will be over the next few weeks that we will continue to see considerable amount of change. We hope to have a good idea of the percentage of success of these sprays before heading into the winter months. 

The lime green Poa annua is declining as the KBG is moving in